Invalid Jelly | 1919
½ pint of water
½ pint of orange juice
3 oz loaf sugar
½ oz gelatine
1 lemon
1 or 2 egg yolks
Put gelatine to soak in cold water, add sugar, rind of one lemon and 2 oranges. Dissolve the gelatine and sugar gently over the fire. Strain into a basin, add the yolks of the eggs (beaten) and the orange and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and pour into moulds which have been scalded and rinsed in cold water (not dried).
Jellied Beef Tea | 1920
Half a pint of strong beef tea, salt and pepper, two sheets of gelatine, caramel colouring.
Dissolve the gelatine in a little hot water. Strain it into the beef tea. Season it carefully and add a few drops of caramel to improve the flavour (this is quite harmless). Pour the jelly into little moulds and leave them to set. To turn them out, dip the tins into tepid water and shake them gently.
Fish Pudding | 1920
Half pound of fish, one ounce of breadcrumbs, two ounces of butter, breadcrumbs, egg, parsley and milk. Season with pepper and salt. When well pounded, put into a small, well-greased pudding basin, cover with a buttered paper, and place in a saucepan. Steam for one hour, Turn out onto a hot dish and serve plain, or covered with egg sauce.
Tapioca Cream Soup | 1920
One pint of good chicken or veal stock
1 tablespoonful crushed tapioca or sago
1 gill of cream
2 yolks of eggs
Put the stock into a saucepan, and when it boils shake in the tapioca or fine sago. Cook until clear. Beat the yolks of eggs in a small basin with the cream; add a little pepper and salt. Strain into the soup. Stir over the fire for a minute to cook the eggs, but do not boil or it will curdle. Serve.
Oyster Broth | 1921
Six sauce oysters, quarter pint of milk or stock, one tablespoonful of cream.
Put the oysters, their liquid and the milk or stock into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for one minute and strain. The oysters can either be rubbed through a hair sieve and returned to the broth, or finely chopped and served in the broth. Season and, if liked, add the cream.
Stewed Pigeon
One pigeon
½ pint of stock or water
1 slice of onion or celery
1 oz of rice
1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley
pepper and salt
Cut the pigeon into neat joints, or it can be trussed and stewed whole. Put into a saucepan with the stock, vegetables (if allowed) and rice, and simmer gently for two hours until really tender. Serve on a hot dish with the rice round, and a little parsley shaken over.
Friar’s Omelette | 1922
Four apples
2 oz sugar
1 oz butter
half a lemon
1 egg
2 oz breadcrumbs
Stew the apples with the sugar, butter, and the grated rind and lemon juice of the lemon. When quite smooth, take off the fire and stir in the egg well beaten. Put half the breadcrumbs at the bottom of a pie dish and pour in the mixture. Cover with the rest of the breadcrumbs, and a few scraps of butter, and bake for a quarter of an hour.